Good things are happening in the food department. It's not a fast or easy process but I am so proud of how far B-man has come and so hopeful for where he's headed.
There was a time when just one bite of something he didn't like would cause him to reject the entire meal. A time when he went for an entire day without eating because we told him he had to have 1 bite of a chicken nugget first. His Mac & Cheese could only be a particular brand. His food had to be cut up and presented in the same way every time or he freaked out and/or refused to eat it.
I won't go into all of the details because it is tedious to say the least. Honestly, I burned out on it before B. ever seemed to. For over 3 months, we have been writing down every single thing he eats and strategically planning every single meal and snack. And he has gotten very little food for "free" without having to try something else first.
We're not quite to what I'd consider "healthy" eating but he is eating a HUGE variety by comparison. And most importantly, he is willing to try practically everything. One of our therapists has taken a particular interest in this program and tries new things every time he works with him... crazy things like tacos, spinach muffins, edamame, dried mango, sunflower seeds. And B. is trying them! Some (oddly enough the spinach muffin) have even become preferred foods. Today, he ate 1/2 of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and spinach quiche for dinner. I can't express how extreme of a change this is!
We still have a ways to go but these are great strides and I feel like we'll get there. B LOVES to eat and this opens up a whole new world for him.