On Monday, we had a sick therapist so B got to do what most little brothers do: tag along for big brother's activities - namely swimming. Fortunately, we also had our PCA booked for that time so we had a 1-1 ratio. This proved to be a very good thing.
B has been to swimming one other time but sat in a stroller in the observation room. This time we didn't bring a stroller and brought him right up to the side of the pool where other family members sit. He got his own little chair and very happily sat and had a snack. He seemed pretty interested in what was going on. And then he finished the snack and apparently decided he should be in the water too. Thank goodness our pca is quick on her feet. The last thing we need is for him to fall in, fully clothed. It was pretty surprising given that we had to actually target water activities and tolerance over the summer and how he has protested the bath off and on. He is now loving the bath again so I guess it makes sense. I just wasn't prepared for him to be that interested. He leapt up one more time and almost made it in before our PCA took him out for a walk.
After swimming, he played on the little rides and RAN around like a crazy man. (the boy clearly needs more physical outlets now that he isn't outside much).
All in all, it was a good outing. Maybe we'll add swimming to our goals...eventually. The shot below is a little blurry because he was happily kicking his feet. See that glimmer of mischief in his eye?
My son was diagnosed with Autism at age 2. Ten years in and I've learned how complex Autism truly is. This is our version. Challenging, crazy and beautiful.
xmas 2013

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Santa visit
A couple of days ago, we had a free afternoon and took the boys for their annual Santa visit. Since the 5 year old is getting older and wiser and oh so inquisitive, I thought it would be safest to see the same Santa as last year. We took the giant double stroller but made B get out and walk through the little exhibit they have at the Macy's downtown. He. did. AWESOME. So much more engaged and interested in his surroundings this year. He willingly climbed up on Santa's lap and played with his beard and costume. We walked through twice (no crowd) and everything was easy and smooth.
I think what I'll remember most from this year though is when Santa was trying to have a hushed conversation with an oblivious B and his big brother leaned over and said "he doesn't know many words. But he knows a lot of words - just not SO many." I love how he was sticking up for the little guy. Our pictures are always so-so at best but at least we have them and a nice record of how big they are getting each year.
I think what I'll remember most from this year though is when Santa was trying to have a hushed conversation with an oblivious B and his big brother leaned over and said "he doesn't know many words. But he knows a lot of words - just not SO many." I love how he was sticking up for the little guy. Our pictures are always so-so at best but at least we have them and a nice record of how big they are getting each year.
Monday, December 5, 2011
One year in
On 11/22, we had our third 6-month review with our therapy provider. In actuality, it was a review of a little over one year since the first review was after only a couple of months. This spanned Sept 2010 until November 2011.
This last 6 months has been really huge for B. A couple of really key things have clicked: imitation and VERBAL skills like requesting and imitation. He has also made some huge strides in self-care. (NO MORE DIAPERS!!) So, I was thinking we'd have a fairly positive review but I still felt like it was unlikely that we'd be looking at "best outcome" results. Remember those boxes they check in these reviews that indicate where the kiddo is tracking as far as outcome? Last time, he was "progressing" but did not meet the criteria for any of the 3 best outcomes. This time, he moved UP into 2/3 best outcome! This is amazing news.
Developmentally, he gained an average of 1.4 months of development for every month. This is the ticket. This is why we are working so hard and so intensely. In our initial review at intake (2 months shy of age 3), B was at a developmental level of a 5 month old! This was hard, hard news to hear. Shocking, actually. His cuteness and young age masked the autism in many ways. Now he is around 24 months. Still 2 years behind but he is learning faster than a typical rate. His IQ equivalent is actually increasing! Our team pointed out that this doesn't happen with "typical" people... if we measured our IQ at age 5 and again at age 30, it'd be roughly the same. And they admitted that they were pretty uneasy about B's prognosis in the beginning because his IQ score was actually really, really low. We believed and still believe that he was at a much higher level than the testing showed. We have a smart little guy on our hands - we just have to figure out how to teach him. Nonetheless, he clearly had a huge developmental gap.
And the best part... they have a chart that shows his progression IF he continues learning at this rate. It's 3+ more years of this hard, hard stuff but it showed him CATCHING UP! As in going to school, as in functioning at the same level as his peers. It's a lot to hope for, yes, but it is invigorating. This is not an easy lifestyle and it definitely takes it's toll but we will happily press forward if it means a better life for our precious boy.
All in all, we felt re-energized, hopeful and so very proud of our little man.
We have lots of new goals and a new focus to try to combat all of his many self stimulatory behaviors that are developing and interfering. But we have renewed hope, a great team and one very special little boy in our corner. I'm hoping for an even better review in 6 months!
This last 6 months has been really huge for B. A couple of really key things have clicked: imitation and VERBAL skills like requesting and imitation. He has also made some huge strides in self-care. (NO MORE DIAPERS!!) So, I was thinking we'd have a fairly positive review but I still felt like it was unlikely that we'd be looking at "best outcome" results. Remember those boxes they check in these reviews that indicate where the kiddo is tracking as far as outcome? Last time, he was "progressing" but did not meet the criteria for any of the 3 best outcomes. This time, he moved UP into 2/3 best outcome! This is amazing news.
Developmentally, he gained an average of 1.4 months of development for every month. This is the ticket. This is why we are working so hard and so intensely. In our initial review at intake (2 months shy of age 3), B was at a developmental level of a 5 month old! This was hard, hard news to hear. Shocking, actually. His cuteness and young age masked the autism in many ways. Now he is around 24 months. Still 2 years behind but he is learning faster than a typical rate. His IQ equivalent is actually increasing! Our team pointed out that this doesn't happen with "typical" people... if we measured our IQ at age 5 and again at age 30, it'd be roughly the same. And they admitted that they were pretty uneasy about B's prognosis in the beginning because his IQ score was actually really, really low. We believed and still believe that he was at a much higher level than the testing showed. We have a smart little guy on our hands - we just have to figure out how to teach him. Nonetheless, he clearly had a huge developmental gap.
And the best part... they have a chart that shows his progression IF he continues learning at this rate. It's 3+ more years of this hard, hard stuff but it showed him CATCHING UP! As in going to school, as in functioning at the same level as his peers. It's a lot to hope for, yes, but it is invigorating. This is not an easy lifestyle and it definitely takes it's toll but we will happily press forward if it means a better life for our precious boy.
All in all, we felt re-energized, hopeful and so very proud of our little man.
We have lots of new goals and a new focus to try to combat all of his many self stimulatory behaviors that are developing and interfering. But we have renewed hope, a great team and one very special little boy in our corner. I'm hoping for an even better review in 6 months!
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